Welcome to the Teaching Strategies performance status page. This page provides up to date information about the availability of the Teaching Strategies online systems and solutions.
Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Feb 6, 00:00 EST
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 5, 22:00 EST
Scheduled -
Due to system maintenance, the SmartTeach and it's solutions will be unavailable during this time. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we make important updates to the platform.
Jan 24, 15:53 EST
Resolved -
Assess "At a Glance" and documentation creation are restored. Missing documentation from today will be back by tomorrow - no action needed.
Feb 3, 17:33 EST
Identified -
Some customers are experiencing issues with slow documentation creation and the "At a Glance" function of Assess. The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented.
Feb 3, 13:55 EST
Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Jan 29, 19:33 EST
Monitoring -
Upstream vendor has implemented a fix and we our Assess and Teach are now back online. We will continue to monitor.
Jan 29, 19:10 EST
Investigating -
Users are experiencing degraded performance on the Assess and Teach modules of Smart Teach due to a recurrence of the upstream vendor issue. They are aware and working on a resolution.
Jan 29, 18:17 EST
Resolved -
Our upstream provider has resolved their issue and all services are restored.
Jan 29, 17:38 EST
Update -
Our upstream vendor has indicated that they may have identified the root cause, though confirmation is still pending.
Jan 29, 16:31 EST
Update -
We have identified the issue as an upstream provider. We will provide more updates as we get them from the provider.
Jan 29, 15:25 EST
Update -
We are continuing to investigate this issue.
Jan 29, 15:10 EST
Investigating -
Users are experiencing degraded performance on the Assess and teach modules of Smart Teach. We are currently investigating the root cause of the issue and will provide more information as soon as possible.
Jan 29, 15:08 EST